What exactly is a credit-insurance?
When you sell a product or provide a service, you expect being paid. But do you know your clients and their solvability? Despite all your safety measures, you are never fully protected from a bad payer or from bankruptcy of a reliable debtor which you sought unfaltering.
The export credit insurance helps you to evaluate the financial health of your customers and to minimize the risk of your customer portfolio. In case of a non-payment, you can delegate the recovery procedure to ODL. If the recovery fails, you will be indemnified a part of the loss after a defined period.
Which kind of credit-insurances are available?
- The export credit insurance covers your company against the non-payment risks of your customers, whether those risks arise from political or commercial origin
- The foreign investment insurance guarantees the investor against political risks that may arise in the host country
- The pre-shipment insurance facility is addressed to Luxembourg importers who need to pay down payments to their foreign suppliers
- In many export transactions, the buyer requires the exporter to provide a contract guarantee in favour of the buyer. This could, for example, be a bid bond, an advance payment guarantee or a performance guarantee. ODL can protect both the exporter and the contract guarantee issuer (normally the exporter’s bank) against risks associated with different contract guarantees. The bank may apply for ODL cover, while the insurance for unfair calling is available for the exporter.
Is my company eligible for an ODL credit-insurance?
You are a SME or a multinational present in Luxembourg and have a substantial economic added-value for the Luxembourg economy? If yes, then your company is eligible for an ODL credit insurance.
Could a credit-insurance be benefic to my company?
A credit insurance can limit the damage to your company if one of your clients abroad doesn’t pay his debt. This non-payment can be caused by insolvency or payment default of your client as well as the political risks such as the risk of currency transfer, war, revolutions, natural disasters and risk of expropriation or government action.
Why is a credit-insurance a facilitating tool for the financing of my project?
A credit-insurance guarantees the payment of your client’s debts, which is important to facilitate the acceptation of additional credit-lines by your bank in order to increase your export activities. Furthermore, the beneficiary of an insurance policy can be transferred to a third party which means that your bank can become the beneficiary of your insurance policy.
What type of risks can be covered by ODL?
ODL can cover the commercial risk as well as the political risk.
Can ODL also cover the export of services?
The export of services are also eligible for an ODL coverage.
What is the price of an ODL insurance?
The insurance premium depends on the type of credit insurance policy adapted to your project, the payment terms granted to your debtor, the risk assessment in relation to the financial quality of your clients as well as the country risk. You can always request an offer from our team.
How can I reach in a credit-insurance request?
Please download the application form that you will find in our “Download Center” and return it to the ODL team duly completed.
What is the response time of ODL?
All applications are submitted for decision to the ODL Committee which meets once a month. Depending on the complexity of your file and the timing of the submission of your application in relation to the date of the next committee, a decision will generally be communicated to you within four weeks.
What country risk classification does ODL apply?
The list of eligible countries is available under this link.
Is ODL open to offer me a tailor-made solution?
ODL is constantly seeking to adapt its range of products to the changing needs of Luxembourg exporting companies. The ODL team is very open to developing, as far as possible, a solution tailored to your company’s needs.
Does ODL issue letters of credit or provide other payment solutions ?
No. ODL is the public credit insurer of the Gand-Duchy of Luxembourg.
ODL may insure the bank loans and/or guarantee commitments that the financial institution grants to the Luxembourg company in relation to their export activity.
Please contact your financial institution.
Financial support
My expenses are not listed in the section « Eligible costs » on your website.
Please feel free to contact our secretary team in order to check if your costs are eligible or not.
I missed the stated deadline for submitting my financial support request. Could you exceptionally accept my file?
Unfortunately not. No derogation can be granted in regard to the principle of anteriority.
At what moment can I sign the offer of my service provider?
Once you have submitted your application form, you are free to sign the offer of your service provider.
I have issues with my “MyGuichet.lu” connection.
In order to access the MyGuichet.lu portal, you need :
- a LuxTrust product or an eID (Luxembourg electronic identity card).
- a legal electronic signature
- a professional space in MyGuichet.lu
For technical support or issues, please contact the Guichet.lu helpline (phone: +352 247-82000) or the LuxTrust support team (phone: +352 26 68 15-1)
How do I correctly complete the application form?
- Complete the application form according to the instructions
- Control data and confirm
- Sign the application
- Add the attachments
- Submit the file to ODL
Is it possible to modify my submitted application form?
Please feel free to contact ODL. The status of your file must first be amended by our secretariat.
Do I have to inform ODL about significant changes related to my company?
For every new application, you need to inform ODL about any statutory modifications and/or any new elements related to your business permit. If since your last application new financial statements are available, please attach them to your application form.
How can I calculate the number of participation to a trade fair, specialized show/seminar/conference abroad?
The number of participation to a trade fair, specialized show/seminar/conference abroad reflects the number of presence of the company, as an exhibitor or speaker, to a same fair reaching a same audience. The number of participation is not representing the number of application for financial support the company sent to the ODL.